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1210 Christ instituted the sacraments of the new law. There are seven: Baptism, Confirmation (or Chrismation), the Eucharist, Penance, the Anointing of the Sick, Holy Orders and Matrimony. the seven sacraments touch all the stages and all the important moments of Christian life: they give birth and increase, healing and mission to the Christian's life of faith. There is thus a certain resemblance between the stages of natural life and the stages of the spiritual life.

1211 Following this analogy, the first chapter will expound the three sacraments of Christian initiation; the second, the sacraments of healing; and the third, the sacraments at the service of communion and the mission of the faithful. This order, while not the only one possible, does allow one to see that the sacraments form an organic whole in which each particular sacrament has its own vital place. In this organic whole, the Eucharist occupies a unique place as the "Sacrament of sacraments": "all the other sacraments are ordered to it as to their end."

CCC 1210-1211

A note about booking sacraments

Please view this map of the parish boundaries to check that you live within the boundaries of this parish BEFORE booking sacraments/sacramental preparation with us. If you do not live within the parish boundaries, you will need to contact the local Catholic parish in whose parish boundaries you live in. 

Parish Boundaries Map

Baptism signifies entry into the Church and by asking for baptism for a child, the parents formally request for them to join God’s family through this sacrament. Baptisms are normally celebrated at 12noon on Sundays in the Church.

In order for a child to be baptised, the parents must attend a preparation session with Mgr. Matthew (Parish Priest) prior to the Baptism. This is so the parents are adequately prepared in their understanding of what it means to bring up a child in the Catholic faith.

Please contact Mgr. Matthew for more information.

For the Baptism of adults, please see the information under RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) section. 

First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion Programme
The Eucharist is the "source and summit" of our Catholic Life. Since you presented your child for Baptism, you took on the responsibility, as parents, to ensure that your child comes to know the Love and Mercy of God, that they know and believe in the real presence of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament (the Eucharist).


Part of this programme is not just receiving Jesus in the Eucharist for the first time, but adequately preparing your children to ensure their souls are in a state of grace and open to receiving fully the Love and Mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion Programme will commence February 2024.

Applications forms and Information booklets for parents and carers, complete with programme dates, are available from the back of the church.  Please complete the application form and return it, along with a copy of your child’s Baptism Certificate, by Sunday 11th February 2024.

Please note, this programme is for children in school Year 3 or older who are resident in the Parish, or for whom St Thomas a Becket is their regular parish of worship. 


The Sacrament of Confirmation is when a Baptised person takes on the responsibility of their faith for themselves. It is celebrated every other year. The next Confirmation Mass will be in 2024. Further details and application forms are available at the back of the church. 


The preparation programme for the Sacrament of Confirmation will commence January 2024.

Applications forms and Information booklets for parents and carers, complete with programme dates, are available from the back of the church.  Please complete the application form and return it, along with a copy of your child’s Baptism Certificate, by Sunday 14th January  2024.

Please note, this programme is for children in school Year 8 or older who are resident in the Parish, or for whom St Thomas a Becket is their regular parish of worship. 

6 months’ notice of marriage is required by the Diocese.
Please contact the Parish Office to arrange a meeting with Mgr. Matthew to discuss your wedding plans. 


After the 9:30am Mass on Saturday, confessions will be heard from

10:15 – 10:45am and on request.
Please contact the Parish Office if you need to make an appointment to see a priest for confession. 


The Anointing of the Sick

This is one of the sacraments of healing in which Christ is present to the person and comes to heal the body, soul and mind. The priest prays over the person and anoints them with oil. Its biblical foundations are from James 5:15.

This sacrament is intended for those seriously ill (rather than those who are at the point of death or in their last hour) and is especially appropriate for those who need the graces of the sacrament for strength and peace. 

If you or someone you know is going for an operation or going under general anaesthetic or in need of the sacrament, please contact the Parish Office:

Tel: 0208 874 1818 




Are you thinking of becoming a Catholic?
Or are you a baptised Catholic but have not received the sacrament of confirmation?


Click here for more info about becoming a Catholic.

Or, for more details, please contact the Parish Office:

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